Applications Bugzilla for Java CSV Compiling Miscellaneous Projects RS Library RsBudget Templating

The End of Atlassian JIRA

Atlassian announced the end of their various licensed stand-alone products. This heavily affects several of my projects, especially my Open Source projects. That’s why I am preparing now the migration away from Atlassian products. Of course, I could stay with Atlassian using their Cloud offerings. I like their products as they address my needs like no other products on the market. However, there are some downsides if I’d stay with Atlassian:

  • A migration of all existing data is unavoidable and will cost time and effort. It is not clear whether the Cloud product configuration would match my needs.
  • My Open Source projects are already code-hosted by GitHub. That’s why GitHub is the natural migration target for them.
  • I want to have full control over my CI/CD pipelines. A cloud Bamboo solution will take away a lot of freedom and I am not sure whether the various secrets I require during build and develop will stay on my servers and only there.
  • A long-term availability of issues and documentation is not guaranteed if I shall be forced to abandon projects.

So, all issue trackers are migrated to GitHub by today. The JIRA server has been shutdown. Please refer to the respective GitHub repositories in case you need to report an issue or require support for any of my projects.

Bamboo will be migrated to Jenkins. However, I experience some performance issues when starting Jenkins. That’s why this migration will still take a while. However, this would not affect your activities when using any of the projects.

I deeply regret to take this decision and would have loved to stay with Atlassion JIRA and Bamboo.

Bugzilla for Java CSV Compiling Templating

CSV, B4J and Templating become integrated with Maven

Some improvements are coming along. I was asked several times whether my Java projects could be based on Maven build so they can be more easily integrated with other projects. Now it’s coming around the corner. CSV/Excel Utility Package is almost complete and you can already see the results in the Nightly Build. The release is not far away, just a few more tests are remaining.

The Maven coordinates you would require are:


Please notice that none of these artifacts are yet released. Earlier releases will propably not become available via public repositories. But this isn’t decided yet.

By the way: The artifacts will be publicly available to you without any further Maven configuration as I will publish them to Sonatype’s official OSS repository which is part of Maven’s default repository list.