Applications Bugzilla for Java CSV Compiling Miscellaneous Projects RS Library RsBudget Templating

The End of Atlassian JIRA

Atlassian announced the end of their various licensed stand-alone products. This heavily affects several of my projects, especially my Open Source projects. That’s why I am preparing now the migration away from Atlassian products. Of course, I could stay with Atlassian using their Cloud offerings. I like their products as they address my needs like no other products on the market. However, there are some downsides if I’d stay with Atlassian:

  • A migration of all existing data is unavoidable and will cost time and effort. It is not clear whether the Cloud product configuration would match my needs.
  • My Open Source projects are already code-hosted by GitHub. That’s why GitHub is the natural migration target for them.
  • I want to have full control over my CI/CD pipelines. A cloud Bamboo solution will take away a lot of freedom and I am not sure whether the various secrets I require during build and develop will stay on my servers and only there.
  • A long-term availability of issues and documentation is not guaranteed if I shall be forced to abandon projects.

So, all issue trackers are migrated to GitHub by today. The JIRA server has been shutdown. Please refer to the respective GitHub repositories in case you need to report an issue or require support for any of my projects.

Bamboo will be migrated to Jenkins. However, I experience some performance issues when starting Jenkins. That’s why this migration will still take a while. However, this would not affect your activities when using any of the projects.

I deeply regret to take this decision and would have loved to stay with Atlassion JIRA and Bamboo.

Bugzilla for Java CSV Java RS Library

Several new Software Releases available

As mentioned in previous post, most of my projects have been touched lately. So here is a list of the latest releases that you might find useful to integrate:

Also, there is a new project: EventBroker – a MQTT-alike event broker to enable losely coupled microservices being synchronized. It is written in Java and runs as docker container. Check it out when you look for an easy way to signal events to REST services in your distributed environment. Fun Feature: a special subscription topic for timer events that will enable you to implement cron jobs inside microservices – triggered by a REST call.

CSV Eclipse Java RS Library

Eclipse RCP Common Feature launched

Good news for all Eclipse developers that want to use some of my projects in their own Eclipse/RCP projects. I bundled some modules and projects into a Luna Eclipse Feature Plug-In – called RCP Common Feature.

You will need the Update Site to be added in your IDE and install the feature as you would do with every other Eclipse feature plug-in.

These are the modules and projects currently bundled:

Furthermore, there are three more plug-ins available specific to Eclipse/E4 UI and logging. The feature plug-in is released under LGPL V3 license (as all projects bundled in it).


CSV Java

CSV/Excel Utility Package V2.7.1 released

The new version 2.7.1 fixes issues found by static code analysis. A complete change log is available as well as the mandatory Maven Site.

You can download the new version here or visit the Homepage of the utility where you will find some examples on how to use it.

The Maven coordinates are:

Bugzilla for Java CSV Java RS Library

Multiple Releases

The last few days I released new versions of three of my projects.

All projects are available through Maven Central.


CSV Java

CSV/Excel Utility improves performance

I recently stumbled across a performance test of Java CSV libraries (can’t remember where). To my surprise, someone tested multiple Open Source products including my own CSV/Excel Utility Package. And even more surprising to me, mine was the worst. By far! It took 4 times as much than others spent in parsing a CSV file. Embarrasing! Why did I never spent effort in measuring performance?

Anyway. I took the time and wrote a comparable JUnit perfromance test for all major CSV libraries and gave them a 150MB file to read. Analyzing the results of my own library with JProfiler, I found a very stupid performance eater (simplified here):

String s = "";
for (char c : anotherString.toCharArray()) {
   s += c;

The “addition” of line 6 was called 150 million times – for each single character in the file. Replacing this by a StringBuilder construct, the performance rose near the other major CSV libraries:

StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : anotherString.toCharArray()) {

So two things to learn here: (1) Do not under-estimate performance test before releasing something, (2) Take care when using the “addition” operator for strings. 🙂

PS: CSV/Excel Utility Package 1.7 will contain the fix.
PPS: StringBuilder is preferred against StringBuffer as it is not synchronized and therefore faster. Most use cases allow this simplifications.

CSV Java

CSV/Excel Utility Package V2.6.1 released

The new version 2.6.1 adds some improvements as of character encoding and bean reading and writing. A complete change log is available through the Maven Site.

You can download the new version here or visit the Homepage of the utility where you will find some examples on how to use it.

The Maven coordinates are:


PS: Version 2.6.0 has been released just two days ago but was already replaced by V2.6.1 because the V2.6.0 TableReader interface had a superfluous method defined.

CSV Java

CSV/Excel Utility Package 2.5.0 released

The new version 2.5.0 delivers the package for usage in OSGI containers and improves handling of blank lines and calculated cells in an Excel sheet (this code was contributed by Andrej Czapszys). A complete change log is available through the new Maven Site

You can download the new version here or visit the Homepage of the utility where you will find some examples on how to use it.

The Maven coordinates are:


CSV/Excel Utility Package 2.4.0 released

The new version 2.4.0 adds character encoding support to the table readers and writers. It also migrates the issue management to JIRA.

You can download the new version here or visit the Homepage of the utility where you will find some examples on how to use it.

The Maven coordinates are:

Bugzilla for Java CSV IceScrum Stylesheets Projects Templating

Migration to JIRA

Hi folks,

all projects have migrated to JIRA after Bugzilla issues were transferred  to it. Please do not report into Bugzilla anymore (Links were removed from page but remain in old released versions). The new JIRA instance can be found at