Bugzilla for Java

Bugzilla for Java V1.3 released

V1.3 of the B4J project has been released. It contains two major bugfixes related to timestamp parsing and attachments. It also adds the capability to retrieve the content of an attachment.

You can download the new version here.

The Maven coordinates are:

Bugzilla for Java

Bugzilla for Java V1.2 released

V1.2 of the B4J project has been released. It contains two major bugfixes related to Java 6 and Bugzilla 4.2 compliance.

You can download the new version here.

The Maven coordinates are:

Bugzilla for Java

Bugzilla for Java V1.1 released

The B4J project has now been migrated to Maven build and deployment. You can download the new version here.

The Maven coordinates are:


CSV/Excel Utility Package 2.3 released

As already announced last week, version 2.3 migrates the development to Maven build and deployment. Besides of this, it doesn’t add any functionality but upgraded Apache’s POI library to latest release 3.8.

You can download the new version here or visit the Homepage of the utility where you will find some examples on how to use it.

The Maven coordinates are:

Bugzilla for Java CSV Compiling Templating

CSV, B4J and Templating become integrated with Maven

Some improvements are coming along. I was asked several times whether my Java projects could be based on Maven build so they can be more easily integrated with other projects. Now it’s coming around the corner. CSV/Excel Utility Package is almost complete and you can already see the results in the Nightly Build. The release is not far away, just a few more tests are remaining.

The Maven coordinates you would require are:


Please notice that none of these artifacts are yet released. Earlier releases will propably not become available via public repositories. But this isn’t decided yet.

By the way: The artifacts will be publicly available to you without any further Maven configuration as I will publish them to Sonatype’s official OSS repository which is part of Maven’s default repository list.

Java Linux

JavaMail: Sending mails fails

Ever stumbled across this?

javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
   nested exception is:
      javax.mail.MessagingException: 501 5.0.0 HELO requires domain address

I wasn’t able for a long time to find the solution in the net although many people reported having this problem. The only hint you find is “There was an invalid entry in /etc/hosts”. But noone said exactly what the “invalid entry” was.

I myself found that there was no invalid entry but the configured hostname of the machine (issue “hostname” in a shell) cannot be resolved by DNS. The result is the given error message from the mail server.

What is happening? JavaMail resolves its own hostname by asking for the local hostname. The SMTP protocol requires the sending domain while handshaking. The server will try to resolve the domain by its DNS. If the hostname sent cannot be resolved then the server responds with “HELO requires domain address” as stated above.

I hope that this issue now becomes clearer to all of you.

PS: Solution is make sure your hostname can be resolved by DNS. Fix your hostname if it’s wrong or add the DNS entry.


Ubuntu 11.10 Upgrade Problems

Grrr, that was nasty. I upgraded my Ubuntu to 11.10 after the 11.04 installation on my Lenovo laptop did not boot anymore with the latest kernel update. I usually install all updates that Ubuntu’s Update Manager proposes and never had problems so far. Until yesterday when the last kernel update was received.

The laptop did not boot anymore. It halted somewhere without any further notice. Switching to the console with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and checking the X11 log at /var/log/Xorg.0.log revealed that NVIDIA graphics driver could not be loaded anymore. Re-installing the driver did not fix the problem :(. Well, at least I could boot the old kernel and check systems out.

However, I wasn’t able to make the newest kernel working with NVIDIA’s kernel module. So I finally tried the distribution upgrade to 11.10. But again, the system stuck in the boot. Even worse, I had a new symptom:

Unable to connect to the system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused

An internet research turned up this excellent forum thread which told me that the distribution upgrade had failed to migrate two directories. Following the instructions of #24 – using mv command and setting chmod 1777 /run/lock did finally help me to repair the system.

So guys, if you observe the weird behaviour after upgrading a kernel on an NVIDIA based computer, check out:

  • The X11 log for messages about your kernel module
  • Wiki page
  • Wiki page
  • and of course, google your boot log error




DIY Calendars 2012

I am in time this year ;). The new DIY calendar is available – in English and German. Of course, the calendars differ from Ygor’s template in having week numbers on all templates.

I didn’t created a Windows executable that runs without any additional library. So you have to build the version from your own scratch. The source code is available at my Subversion repository.



IceScrum Release 4

I was lucky to test IceScrum, a french project, within our company. The test went quite well until we migrated to new Release 4. It seemed to be stable for a few hours. Then several users complained. They couldn’t login anymore. As an administrator I found out that the common reason for this is them missing Administrator role. By doing so, I could solve the problem.

However, several other problems stayed. Browsing projects wasn’t possible as well as browsing teams. Tasks could not be created anymore. 🙁

So here is my advice: Don’t upgrade yet to release 4. The release is an advance, definitely. But the bugs are too heavy to productively use it.

PS: Downgrading is a nightmare. Please, make a database backup before installing release 4. It will save you a lot of effort.


CSV/Excel Utility Package V2.2 released

This maintenance release was awaited for quite a long time now. Due to some personal restrictions, I wasn’t able to publish it earlier. Version 2.2 doesn’t add any functionality but upgraded Apache’s POI library that can handle newer Excel versions.

You can download the new version here or visit the Homepage of the utility where you will find some examples on how to use it.