
Kubernetes Service names in HELM templates

Based on my previous post, here comes a snippet that will correctly produce a full DNS name of a service in the cluster from the same namespace.

Makes a full hostname from the given string if it's not one already or an IP address.
Attaches ".<namespace>.svc.cluster.local" to the end and includes the release name if required.
Please note that you need to call this template with (dict "Context" . "Value" "your-value")
{{- define "prefix.serviceName" -}}
{{- if include "prefix.isIpAddress" .Value }}
    {{- print .Value }}
{{- else -}}
    {{- $parts := splitList "." .Value -}}
    {{- if gt (len $parts) 1 -}}
        {{- print .Value }}
    {{- else -}}
        {{- if eq .Context.Chart.Name .Context.Release.Name -}}
            {{- printf "%s.%s.svc.cluster.local" .Value .Context.Release.Namespace }}
        {{- else -}}
            {{- printf "%s-%s.%s.svc.cluster.local" .Context.Release.Name .Value .Context.Release.Namespace }}
        {{- end -}}

    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Please note that using the template is a bit more cumbersome due to some Go language issues:

serviceName-anIpAddress:  {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "") }}
serviceName-anIpAddress2: {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "") }}
serviceName-NoIpAddress:  {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "") }}
serviceName-NoIpAddress2: {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "hello") }}
serviceName-NoIpAddress3: {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "hello.svc") }}
serviceName-NoIpAddress4: {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "hello.svc.cluster.local") }}
serviceName-NoIpAddress5: {{ include "prefix.serviceName" (dict "Context" . "Value" "1") }}

The template needs access to the root context. So the dict function is used to pass the context and the actual, simple service name.

Feel free to adjust the function when you need another namespace as an argument.


HELM template to detect IP address

I was in a need to detect whether the content of a variable is an IP address or not. I guess the function is not perfect, but it fulfills the basic need:

Test if the given value is an IP address
{{- define "prefix.isIpAddress" -}}
{{- $rc := . -}}
{{- $parts := splitList "." . -}}
{{- if eq (len $parts) 4 -}}
    {{- range $parts -}}
        {{- if and (not (atoi .)) (ne . "0") -}}
            {{- $rc = "" -}}
        {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- $rc = "" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- print $rc }}
{{- end -}}

The function at least detects these values correctly:

{{ include "prefix.isIpAddress" "" }}
{{ include "prefix.isIpAddress" "" }}
{{ include "prefix.isIpAddress" "" }}
{{ include "prefix.isIpAddress" "hello" }}
{{ include "prefix.isIpAddress" "hello.svc" }}
{{ include "prefix.isIpAddress" "" }}